Saturday, February 23, 2008

Has Priscilla been getting appearance advice from her Ex-Son-In-Law Jacko?

I hate to be mean…OK ok not really ;) but when I saw Pricilla Presley on Oprah the other day I was shocked :o…..I guess everyone in the world (at least the blogging world cause I found many blog posts refereeing to it) knows about her plastic surgery but I was surprised. I always thought she was an attractive woman. Now she looks horrible. I think she has been getting appearance advice form her ex-son-in-law Jacko!!! It is scary. Here are some recent pics of her so you can judge for yourself:

Then Popsugar posted an article about Patrick Dempsey being the face of Versace. He is pictured with Donatella Versace at her latest show for Milan’s Fashion Week. And OMG did she look like a man. I know mean but really. She looks like a drag queen….A bad one cause I love drag queens. They always look prettier than me. Donatella looks like a bad drag queen with a cute dress on. Her lips look like Glodie Hawn's after she got too much collagen in the movie "The First Wives Club". Her lips look like they belong to a guppy. See if you agree with me, here is a pic of the two of them:

Look aging worries me. It is happening to me everyday just like everyone else but I’m trying to age gracefully (with treatments, creams and maybe botox in the future). I use whatever I can get my hands on that helps me maintain a youthful look while still allowing me to move my forehead and retain a smile that doesn't resemble the Joker's. I get that to be in the limelight one needs a little help but when the stars go over board on plastic surgery you gotta call them out on it and say PLEASE step away from the scalpel for a little bit. A wrinkle in time is not such a bad thing…..Actually it is a great book.....LOL

Let me know what you guys think?

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